Inter-industry summit "Industry 4.0: Digital plant"
The STEP LOGIC team will join the Russian Inter-Industry Summit "Industry 4.0: Digital Plant." The event will be held on the 13th of September at the InterContinental Hotel (Moscow).
The summit is organized to improve production efficiency in Russia, to find the best solutions for the country's manufacturing enterprises, and to promote meaningful dialogue between key market players.
The agenda includes:
Congress "Digital Economy in the Long Term";
Technical Sessions "6 Steps to Create a Digital Plant"
Round Table #1. Digitalization of Production Processes;
Round Table #2. Digitalization in the Business Processes and Personnel Management.
The summit will be attended by the top management and heads of key departments and technical units of the leading industry and service companies, representatives of state structures and expert community.
To find out more about the program and requirements for conference participation, follow this link.