STEP LOGIC’s project on construction of it-infrastructure of the multifunctional migration centre of moscow became the winner of the global cio “project of the year” competition
January 2017. Moscow. STEP LOGIC was awarded the “Project of the year 2016” of Global CIO in the category “The best regional project in Moscow” for design and construction of complex IT-infrastructure of the State-financed entity Multifunctional Migration Centre. The project was commissioned by the Information Technology Department of Moscow.

The grand ceremony of Global CIO for honouring the best IT projects of the year 2016 was held on January 26, in Moscow. The event was attended by Chief Information Officers and heads of IT departments of major state, financial, industrial, oil and gas, transport companies, retail, pharmaceutical business and other industries. Following the results of online poll in the category “The best regional project in Moscow” the large-scale project of STEP LOGIC for creation of IT infrastructure of Moscow State-financed entity Multifunctional Migration Centre became the winner. The award was presented to the project leader on the part of the Information Technology Department of Moscow - Yury Chulyukov.
Migration Centre is the sole organisation, on the territory of which execution and issue of patents to foreign citizens for work in Moscow is carried out. Within the shortest possible time the STEP LOGIC team of experts created 1100 automated workplaces and equipped more than 70,000 sq.m with modern engineering and information systems. Automation of all business processes allows the Multifunctional Migration Centre to issue of patents to migrants in a one-stop shop format. The decision to integrate the business processes of various departments and services into a single, efficient and highly automated mechanism for issuing patents to migrant workers completing all procedures and examinations was developed specifically for this project being unique in the world.
Thanks to the bracelet with the QR code a migrant receives all kinds of services and inquiries without the need to provide personal papers and to input data manually into several separated systems. Depending on the availability of functional areas, the management system of customer service flows determines the optimum route for minimising visitor’s time consumption, manages the turnstiles, displays and information boards, and performs the automated queuing at the entrance into the functional area.
The information systems used work in such a way preventing servicing a client who has not passed the registration procedure. Due to the integration of information systems, errors of manual data input are completely eliminated.
Sergey Sobyanin, the Mayor of Moscow:
“We launched the largest migration centre in the country enabling provision of the complete range of services for migrant workers – citizens of other countries: rendering services for taking exams in the Russian Federation history, for medical examination and dactyloscopic identification. All services are rendered at the lowest prices, practically at their cost price. This made it possible to legalise a sufficiently large number of migrants”, mentioned Sergey Sobyanin.
Yury Chulyukov, the representative of the Information Technology Department, said:
“In accordance with Federal Law No. 357-FZ dated November 24, 2014, "On Amendments to the Federal Law On the Legal Status of Foreign Citizens in the Russian Federation", from January 1, 2015, for obtaining a patent, a foreign citizen shallsubmit personally or through an organisation authorised by the constituent entity of the Russian Federation an application for a patent and all necessary documents to the local office of federal agency of migration within thirty calendar days from the date of entry into the Russian Federation.
The Multifunctional Migration Centre in Moscow has, for the first time in Russia, joined all kinds of services for issuing a patent at a single location, at one time and within the framework of a single technological process. The process is completely automated, which rules out the problems associated with manual data input. The Multifunctional Migration Centre operates as a closed loop enterprise, providing even its own medical laboratory. All of this made it possible to achieve high capacity of the Multifunctional Migration Centre together with the convenience for employees and comfort for foreign citizens applying for a patent”.
About the Global CIO “Project of the year” competition
The competition is held by the official Chief Information Officer Community Global CIO with the support of the Russian Society of IT directors. The key feature of the “Project of the year” competition is that the achievements are assessed directly by Chief Information Officers themselves through online poll based on the well-balanced project assessment methodology worked out by industry experts and approved by the IT community. According to the results of 2016, more than 200 projects from Russia and CIS countries were nominated in three areas: the best domain solution, the best industry solution and the best regional project. Approximately 1,600 votes were cast for the solutions submitted to the competition.