STEP LOGIC: application of the latest BIM-technologies for design of engineering systems influences the reduction of time and cost of customer-facilities construction
In 2016 STEP LOGIC implemented a computer-aided design system based on Autodesk Revit software.
The use of high technologies ensures the minimisation of errors and improvement in quality of design, reduction of construction period, as well as cost saving owing to the procurements of the required materials only. Analysis of the first BIM-facilities implemented in Russia has revealed the reduction of construction period by 10% in average, and cost of construction approximately by 30%.
BIM (Building Information Modelling) is a technology that is a process of collective creation and use of data about an object at different stages of its life cycle (from planning to construction, operation and demolition/reconstruction). As a result of using the technology of BIM-design, 3D model of a building is obtained which includes architectural and constructive, economic, technological, engineering and other important characteristics of a building.
The implementation of BIM in STEP LOGIC was split into several stages: training of employees, working out of overall design strategy, preparation of legal and technical framework for employees, development of a pilot project model, execution and issuance of documentation in accordance with GOST. As a pilot project, a unique facility was chosen – the data processing centre for the country’s leading Television Company.
As a result, STEP LOGIC got:
a team of designers mastering the 3D-modelling technology;
a ready-made BIM-model of the data processing centre including both architecture and models of necessary engineering systems;
albums of standard drawings for issuance of documentation and video clips of model visualisation

Now, the design process in STEP LOGIC includes the information 3D-modelling of a facility. The final 3D-model provides both visualisation – reality of the components, and the complete range of important parameters necessary for creating drawings, diagrams and specifications. As a hardware system for BIM-technology there is a distributed system of graphic stations in operation in STEP LOGIC, having high bit rate access through the network to server resources where the combined data model of a facility is stored.
The implemented technology allows for any element, starting from a bolt, pipeline, and cable tray and up to diesel-rotor and refrigerating machines, to fully set the parameters and properties inherent in these elements in reality: overall dimensions, material, capacity, connection points and a lot more.
In the course of design STEP LOGIC experts also virtually build the engineering systems taking into account the interrelations between the principal equipment and peripheral cells. Yet, any change in one element reverses the whole elaborated system.
The tremendous advantage of the technology is that in the design process each participant (whether it is a designer of a separate system, a manager or a customer, and if necessary even a remote specialist) has online access to the obtained unified information model and completed drawings which makes it possible to avoid crossings and clearly apply the requirements of standards under joint construction of networks. In this regard, in case of occurrence of crossings and overlapping in the course of design, the STEP LOGIC project team has the possibility of automatic check of a model using the software module for controlling collisions.
It should be noted that customers and investors have an opportunity to pass the design expertise with the worked-out BIM model. Thus, beginning from 2015, Moscow State Expertise has become a pilot organisation for carrying out the state expertise of projects worked out using BIM-technologies. At present, the expert opinion has been already obtained by more than a dozen design dossiers in the BIM-format. It is also planned that in 2017 the Ministry of Construction will form a single legal framework of the Russian Federation, which will enable to introduce the BIM-technology in design and construction.