SAS Conference "Using Analytics in the Real Sector"

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29 March 2018

STEP LOGIC took part in the conference 'Using Analytics in the Real Sector' that took part at the Sheraton Palace Hotel Moscow on March 29. The event was organised b.y SAS Russia/CIS.

The conference 'Using Analytics in the Real Sector' was devoted to specific applied tasks faced in industry that can be solved with big data and analytics systems. Participants included companies from the energy sector, industry and the oil and gas sector.

As the global economy remains volatile, real sector companies have increasingly to come up with new ways to cut costs and make extra profit. Changes are happening so fast that responding to them adequately is getting more and more difficult. The term digital economy is being used more and more in the context of these issues both in state governance and in specific sectors of the economy: energy, industry, oil and gas and others. But what does it mean?

The topics of the presentations made by SAS Russia/CIS experts comprised:

·         The main problems in the energy sector that are being solved with analytics around the world;

·         Reducing procurement risks by making procurement procedures more transparent;

·         Forecasting: better forecasting of demand and consumption to reduce costs and increase profits for the company;

·         An integrated planning system: analytics and automation to create production and financial plans for the company;

·         Data management for analytics;

·         Etc.

For more about the programme of the conference, please follow this link.

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